Unleash Your Joy!

Sometimes your joy can be the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. – Thich Nhat Hanh

Children seem to have an unlimited reserve of joy and express it as often as possible. They love to be silly and share their joy with others. They smile and laugh and play. They invite you to play and laugh and smile with them. Their joy becomes your joy and your joy becomes their joy. They dance, wiggle and spread their arms out wide. They are unashamed of being silly and allowing their soul to express itself. It is a wonderful thing!

It’s a shame that, for many, this joy gets packed away or stifled along the way. We feel like responsibility and maturity no longer includes happiness or that silliness and imagination have no place in adulthood. We aim for contentment when there is so much more possibility available to all of us. Where did the joy go? The good news is that it never left. It is right here. Where it’s always been…patiently waiting for us. And you can tap into it whenever you like.


Let’s not take ourselves too seriously…let’s make time and create space for joy. Whether you are dancing in the kitchen, playing sports, building a sandcastle, putting on a magic show, singing in the car or whatever form your joy wants to take. It is yours to express and you’ll be amazed at how good it feels.

Here’s a classic video to help get the joy flowing! Enjoy 🙂

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